A judge gavel sits on a desk next to a laptop.

Do You Need a Lawyer to Get Workers’ Compensation?

Work-related injuries are very stressful events. There is uncertainty involved, the relationship with your employers can become tense, and your livelihood can positively become compromised, especially if the damage you stand is severe.

Workers’ compensation becomes an economic relief for you whenever an injury occurs in the workplace or traveling to and from work. However, the bureaucracy involved can be stressful. Also, dealing with these affairs while having to endure pain and recovery processes while making claims at the same time can be taxing on your mental health too.

Regarding workers’ compensation, multiple parties are usually involved, making the situation even more complicated. Legal assistance can ease the burden. Yet, is a lawyer essential to receive your workers’ compensation? Here you can find out to what extent you require legal services for this purpose.

Brief Definition of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that covers your expenses and makes up for the wages you lose when facing a workplace-related injury. Instead of your salary, you receive workers’ compensation until you become healthy enough to work again at full capacity.

You can receive weekly payments, medical expenses reimbursement, or even impairment lump sums in case your injuries do not allow you to return to normalcy.

What Can You Claim Under Workers’ Compensation?

Whenever you suffer an injury in your workplace as a direct result of your duties, you are most likely eligible for several claims. Regardless of who was at fault for your injury, you are to be compensated for the aftermath.

These are some of the injuries that are covered by Queensland’s Workers’ Compensation scheme:

  • Damages that result from work activities
  • Spinal and orthopaedic injuries
  • Work-caused diseases
  • The appearance of diseases or worsening of pre-existing conditions due to work
  • Sustained medical injuries for treatment of other work-originated injuries
  • Commute injuries

Note that these injuries can also be induced by psychological factors, such as heart attacks or strokes.

And these are some of the claims you can make:

Loss of income

Medical bills compensation

Permanent disability compensation

Return-to-work services

House adaptations

Vehicle adaptations

Do You Need a Lawyer to Get Workers’ Compensation?

The short answer is that you do not need a lawyer to get your workers’ compensation. At the same time, you must also acknowledge that it is a very demanding process involving heavy amounts of bureaucracy and is time-consuming.

Whenever you are injured, taking care of these issues simultaneously can only delay or worsen your recovery process, making you lose more money in the long term, plus your health. Therefore, it is of utter importance to get your due legal representation so that you can focus on your recovery. This will allow you to return to your everyday life sooner than expected.

Our worker’s compensation specialist lawyers are confident in their expertise and ability to get the best results for our clients. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation at 1300 695 299 or at for more information.